Chris Hemsworth movie Spiderhead added in Netflix streaming for the viewers, few were only heard about this day

The movie, Joseph Kosinski directed comic thriller based on a George Saunders short story, on just one day after release, shot to the top of Netflix’s worldwide charts.

Credit: Instagram | #chrishemsworth

Chris Hemsworth’s movie ‘Spiderhead’ has been added to Netflix streaming on Friday, June 18, for the viewers and some of them moaned they only heard about the movie on the day.

The thriller, based on George Saunders’ dystopian short story Escape from Spiderhead follows two prisoners who bond as they come to terms with their pasts in a state-of-the-art slammer. The pair are locked up in a prison run by a visionary played by Chris, who experiments on his subjects using mind-altering drugs.

The movie is directed by Joseph Kosinski, who directed smash-hit move Top Gun: Maverick, and is written by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, who are responsible first two Deadpool films.

The movie shot to the top of Netflix’s worldwide charts just one day after release, but some viewers took to social media to claim they only heard about the film on its day it came out and have been left baffled by the movie Escape from Spiderhead.

One said: “Just watched Spiderhead on Netflix, the way they did not promote this film when its their best cast and overall the directing was brilliant is very in character for Netflix.”

Another added: “I just heard about the movie Spiderhead two hours ago and that s*** was fire. How did Netflix not promote it?”

The movie director and producer Peter Atencio has complained the movie had not been given enough coverage before its release. He wrote: “In seven days a streaming service is releasing a $100m+ movie starring one of the biggest movie stars on earth and directed by a guy with a movie in theatres currently that is the biggest smash hit of the year. Yet I can’t recall seeing a single piece of advertising for it.”

The Independent writer Louis Chilton claims there was no promotion for Spiderhead because the service is getting less daring by the day.


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