Amber Heard shut down by Judge for jury fraud claim in Depp case

Amber Heard’s claim that one of the jurors committed fraud, shut down by the judge as no jury fraud in the case.

Credit: Instagram | #amberheard

Amber Heard lost what may have been the best new trial argument because the judge has just slammed the gavel on her claim that one of the jurors committed fraud.

The claim for Amber’s legal team had filed documents for was one of the jurors actually took the summons from his father, who shared the same name and got himself fraudulently empaneled. They both, father and son live together.

The judge didn’t take the claim, ruling there was no fraud because the summons did not include a birth date. Does the son’s name have anything distinguishing him from his dad, like a “junior” or a “II” at the end, is unclear. The judge said there was no fraud and suggested either the father or son could have shown up for jury service.

The judge said she could have made it much earlier, but the only reason she’s doing it now is that she lost the case.

Amber also argued that the award Johnny Depp received was excessive, $10 million compensatory damage. The judge turned it down as there was testimony Johnny lost way more, after his movie roles were pulled in the wake of Amber’s defamatory Op-Ed in the Washington Post.

Amber can still appeal but her chances of winning are slim to none, as shut down this time by the judge.


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