Lizzo becomes a runaway bride in 2 B Loved Am I Ready music video feat cameo by Tyson Beckford


Lizzo is figuring out if she’s ready for love in her latest music video for her single 2 Be Loved (Am I Ready). The chart-topping singer unveiled the latest music video for her new record on her album Special. Lizzo teamed up as co-director on the video with Christian Breslauer once again after she worked with the director on her last hit About Damn Time.

Her latest music video serves as a sequel to her Truth Hurts video at the end of which she joins her own double in holy matrimony. Now, in the new video, Lizzo is seen running away from the alter in full wedding garb as she leaves her double behind. The 34-year-old singer gets a call from her “Feyoncé” as she runs away but decided against picking up the call. She ends up taking a drive to the desert, eventually ending up with a broken engine when a hunked-up Tyson Beckford comes to her rescue on his motorcycle. The pairing soon turns out to be just a sandy mirage as Lizzo is left with her bridesmaids.

The music video concludes as the girls live it up in the desert and stir up a party in minutes while Lizzo lip-synchs to her song, via ET, “Yesterday, I would have run away / And I don’t know why (Did you know?) / I don’t know why, but I’m ready.” Lizzo’s album Special came out last month as a follow-up to her last album Cuz I Love You which was released in 2019. Since then, the singer has reached peak popularity with her single About Damn Time making it big on the charts and going viral on social media.


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