Never Have I Ever Season 3 dropped this week as the debate continues amongst fans, battling between Team Paxton (Darren Barnet) and Team Ben (Jaren Lewinson). Whenever asked her pick, Maitreyi Ramakrishnan aka Devi Vishwakumar always replies in interviews that she’s Team Devi! Hence, during our tête-à-tête with the 20-year-old actress, I decided to hit Maitreyi with a googly; Is she… not Team Paxton or Team Ben, but Team Edward (Robert Pattinson) or Team Jacob (Taylor Lautner)?

Enthusiastically stumped about the question on the age-old Twilight debate instead, Maitreyi Ramakrishnan exclaimed, “Wow! Okay, I see! I was like, ‘C’mon! You know this answer. You know what I’m gonna say.’ Wow! Wow! That was good. I like that, that was really good. You saw my face there. You really got me.” However, before revealing her choice, Ramakrishnan made a shocking revelation: “Okay, this is honesty hour? This is honesty hour. I have never seen a single Twilight movie. [I exclaim with shock, “Noooo way!”] You said this was honestly hour and now, I’m sensing judgement. I’m getting some severe judgement. [I quip, “Just very tiny judgement.”] Okay, that’s fine. I get that. I respect that.

However, quickly redeeming herself, Maitreyi revealed if she was Team Edward or Team Jacob: “But, that being said, I know that Jacob is the werewolf. Edward is the vampire aka Robert Pattison. So I’m going to say I’m Team Edward because I’m actually Team Robert Pattinson. I think he is a gorgeous man, so… [I chime in, “That is a good choice. I’m Team Edward as well. So we’re on the same page there.”] We came together in the end. I’m glad. I’m glad it did.”

Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob? What did you think of Maitreyi Ramakrishnan’s crackling performance as Devi in Never Have I Ever Season 3? Reveal your personal picks and honest thoughts with Maryali Magazine in the comments section below.


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